The SuperOne community and how it markets to its users

Video games aren’t just for playing anymore. Those days are long gone. In a world of 7 billion people all connected online, video games are just a pit-stop on the whole online journey.
Nowadays, it’s all about streaming and sharing what you can do. You could not join SuperOne at a better moment in history because of this. And because of the bizarre world we now live in. In March 2020, the sports world ground to a halt.
By June 2020, television broadcasters had to run out of programming. There was no Olympics to save them. With the world working from home, it is affinity marketing’s time to shine.
SuperOne is filling the void with a 100,000-strong community of business partners even before it launches a world-beating game.
And it was Twitch that set the scene for this global explosion. Twitch made it normal for millions of viewers and broadcasters to interact and share creative content with others. As streaming exploded in popularity, Twitch became the most used platform for video game broadcasts. The site primarily focuses on video game live streaming but also offers many other things people want to watch, like cooking classes or music tutorials.
Twitch gets more than 15 million daily active users, who spend an average of 44 billion minutes per month watching streams on the platform. Twitch beats all other live streaming platforms, accounting for over 70% of all hours watched live on the internet.
What does this mean? Well, that it’s a useful tool for marketing, which is where the phenomenon of the “influencer” comes in. With over two-thirds of gamers open to brands supporting their favorite streamers, ‘influencer marketing in the gaming industry has huge potential.
Crucially, Twitch influencer marketing is just like other types of influencer marketing with the exception that the promotions are live-streamed instead of using images or recorded videos.
There are many ways for brands to cooperate with streamers. The most common way is for a streamer to place a brand directly on a video stream and talk about the product. The possibilities are endless and only creativity is the limit — something SuperOne is taking full advantage of.
As an influencer creates his or her video, they’ll mention their sponsors, plugging them to all the viewers they have. If it’s a fizzy drink, the influencer may sip it throughout the video, if it’s a piece of technology, the streamer will likely be using it. For it to work, it’s vital that marketing companies know the demographics.
In 2019, 65% of Twitch users were males aged 16–34. As it skews slightly towards being a male-dominated platform, companies have to take that into consideration before marketing their brand to make sure they’re putting their marketing money in the right place.
The bottom line is that people use Twitch to be entertained. They don’t want to be sold to, though about 80% of Twitch users approve of streamers using sponsorships. While Twitch users don’t want to be advertised to directly, they’ll accept learning about products from their favorite streamers because it feels personal.
After all, people trust other people so much more than they trust businesses. Finding the right balance between sales and entertainment is tricky.
However, if you know your target audience well, you have a huge demographic to whom you can market your product. SuperOne is in the perfect position to take full advantage of this global phenomenon.
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