The New Payment Method by Gucci

Gucci has started its journey into crypto. They have announced that they will accept 10 cryptocurrencies and some stablecoins that can be used for purchases in some of their stores in the US. And by the end of May, they plan to expand the numbers to all of their stores in North America by the Summer. The currencies Gucci will accept include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and even Dogecoin. It is unknown if they will be accepting Ripple (XRP), but with the coins they have stated they will take, it is presumed that they probably will.
More and more brands have been testing blockchain technologies, mainly NFT collections, but in-store crypto payment is still uncharted territory. There have been, in the past, attempts made by companies such as Tesla, which were unfortunately canceled. But with, this move by Gucci may mark a start of a new era of crypto payments.
So what does this mean for SuperOne? We have already incorporated cryptocurrencies and NFT in our app, so this is nothing new for us. The aspect that we can take out of this move by Gucci is that more people will now be aware and will be using crypto in their daily lives in the near future. SuperOne has a quiz game for sports fans, movie fans, and music fans. Quiz games have been around for a very long time, so there is nothing new there either. But by adding this “old” quiz game and this “new” crypto together, you will get something very revolutionary. Human beings are naturally drawn to challenging themselves, especially to things they think they are good at, like their knowledge in sports. SuperOne has more than 11,000 questions just on sports ( at the time of writing ) ready for those fans. And there are more questions in the works. When the game is launched, these fans will be there to challenge themselves to our questions.
SuperOne also has other game modes where the user can challenge other players or even a group of players to see who can be the crème de la crème of them all. Now add the “new” concept of crypto in the mix, and the entire app will just get better. Then there is a chance for those fans not only to show off their knowledge but have the opportunity to be rewarded for that knowledge. There is a chance to own your own NTFs to trade and/or show off to others on the platform. There is an option there for them in SuperOne.
So the announcement by Gucci could be considered a positive move by the brand and for the crypto community. The more the general public is exposed to Cryptocurrencies and stablecoins, the more opportunities they have to start with them. There is always the option to purely play the quiz on SuperOne, enjoy it with others, and disregard all of the crypto and the NFTs in the SuperOne quiz. Like there is always that option to buy Gucci only with cash.