Cracking the trivia gaming market: SuperOne can be no. 1 in a sector ripe for an ambitious player!

Exhibit One: “So people were complaining about the ads in this game, so I went to see if that was truly the case and you guys are absolutely right. As soon as you get an answer wrong… BAM! An ad. Get 5 questions correct… BAM! Another ad. I honestly don’t mind watching an ad for power-ups, events, etc. but for actually playing the game, there are way too many ads.”
Exhibit Two: “Can’t change your name and password after you press save. “An unexpected error has occurred. We’re working to fix it soon” comes up every time. When you send a message to someone, it deletes one or more messages sometimes before the person can see it. You can’t see a picture you may want to use when you’re creating a trivia question. Also, there are too many ads that come up.”
These are the first two reviews that appear on the page promoting Trivia Crack, on Google Play. This is a platform that Google itself claims is its most downloaded trivia game.
“Have fun challenging your friends in the hottest trivia game!” is the tagline on Trivia Crack’s website.
A quick examination reveals it’s a close imitation of Trivial Pursuit, the popular 1980s board game in which players answer questions on various different colored categories. Remember filling up your wheel with colored wedge-shaped pieces in a race against time with your opponents? Well, Trivia Crack is something similar, but for mobile phones.
One can fairly confidently state that the world of committed online trivia games is probably waiting for something a tiny bit more exciting.
It’s very good news, frankly, that SuperOne’s game enters the market at a time of weak competition in the trivia gaming world. Compare this playing field to the various roleplaying action games which is such a cluttered marketplace.
And it’s a little wonder that Fantasy, the hugely successful online design specialist, is so pleased to collaborate with SuperOne on the game’s development.
Fantasy, the brains behind the smooth user experience you get from the new Facebook app, the Tesla website, and countless other big brands, believes SuperOne is stepping into a void crying out for a classy product.
Leaving nothing to chance, SuperOne has spent the last four years building its business community, marketing base. Those business partners are effectively the crowdfunding platform, but they have stakes in SuperOne’s game and will be rewarded from a pool that comprises 10% of total platform revenue.
Once the game launches, that total revenue will of course multiply many times. But some of SuperOne’s earliest and hardest-working business partners have already enjoyed a tremendous return on their activity.
One of the reasons SuperOne has so much more scope in terms of both commercial value and worldwide acceptance among players is that it will provide a huge range of cash prizes, including some seriously life-changing amounts.
And all their future activity will trigger bonuses for the partner who originally introduced them.
SuperOne has some seriously bold plans that include directly sourcing influencers to activate new communities of players while tokens will also be available to purchase for people who just believe in the profitability of the platform.
Because SuperOne will be using a proof-of-stake private blockchain token holders are a key part of the process and are rewarded for validating all transactions on the platform.
Does Trivia Crack have a vision anything like as ambitious as SuperOne? Respectfully, we’d suggest it doesn’t.